Saturday, May 28, 2011

Few more pictures.

Here are a couple more pictures. You can see the engine tranny combo, then a close up of the very dirty clutch housing. The inside of the clutch housing was just as oily and dirty as the outside, which looks like was caused by a leaking valve cover gasket as well as a rear main crank seal.

I must say that with 266K km on the Jeep, the clutch itself looks in great shape, which shows how nice Jen and Michael treated it over the years. The release bearing for the clutch is showing signs of wear, so we plan to replace the clutch, pressure plate and release bearing just because we have them apart. The rad on the other hand was close to disintegrating, :-), likely as a result of years of salt spray. So a new rad is at home in a box.

While we wait for the machine shop to complete the engine work, and supply the rest of the rebuild kit (pistons, rings, bearings, gaskets etc), we will start work on the transmission rebuild today. We obtained a rebuild kit with new bearings, gaskets, and syncros from the US, and are looking forward to seeing the inside of the tranny.

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