Sunday, July 31, 2011

Engine/Tranny re-install

After the main pieces of the engine were assembled, we painted the block, head and oil pan. Then we installed many of the other components, such as water pump, thermostat, engine mounts, valve cover, ignition coil, intake and exhaust manifolds etc. With the engine assembled we removed it from the engine stand, installed the rear main bearing seal, flywheel and new clutch. We then attached the freshly rebuilt transmission, and dropped it in the Jeep. We are in the process of connecting the various wires, hoses, distributor, clamps, to the engine/tranny combo. Then we have the transfer case to install, a few driveshafts, linkages, new radiator and we should be ready to see if it starts. :-) In the process of installing the accessories I pulled out the alternator from a box only to find it had seized up solid. So......another new part and away we go.

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